Is Liver King Still On Steroids? The Real Story!

Is Liver King Still On Steroids? Liver King has admitted to using steroids again, specifically testosterone and growth hormone.

Liver King, a prominent social media influencer known for his raw meat diet and extreme fitness regimen, has been a topic of controversy in the fitness community.

With a persona built around ancestral living and natural bodybuilding, his admission to using steroids shook his followers.

This article delves into the details of his steroid use, his attempts to go clean, and the latest updates on his journey.

Who Is Liver King?

Liver King, whose real name is Brian Johnson, has amassed a large following on social media platforms like Instagram and YouTube.

He promotes an “ancestral” lifestyle, which includes consuming raw organ meats and following intense workout routines.

His chiseled physique and unconventional diet have intrigued many, but they have also raised questions about the authenticity of his natural status.

Is Liver King Still On Steroids
Is Liver King Still On Steroids?

Is Liver King Still On Steroids?

The Initial Admission

In November 2022, emails leaked revealing that Liver King was spending about $11,000 a month on performance-enhancing drugs.

This shocking revelation contradicted his public persona of being steroid-free and adhering to a purely natural, ancestral lifestyle.

The backlash was immediate and intense, as many of his followers felt deceived.

Johnson responded with a public apology, admitting to using anabolic steroids and expressing his embarrassment and shame for misleading his audience.

This admission significantly damaged his credibility, sparking debates about the pressures of maintaining a social media persona. [Is Liver King Still On Steroids?]

Going Off Steroids

Following his public confession, Liver King committed to quitting steroids and embracing a natural lifestyle.

Starting in early 2023, he embarked on a 220-day journey without any performance-enhancing drugs.

This period was marked by significant physical and emotional challenges. [Is Liver King Still On Steroids?]

Johnson documented his struggles extensively, sharing with his followers the dramatic weight loss, decreased strength, and overall changes in his physique.

He emphasized the difficulties of maintaining his previous level of fitness and muscularity without the aid of steroids.

His openness about these challenges was aimed at regaining trust and demonstrating a genuine effort to adhere to a natural regimen.

Is Liver King Still On Steroids
Is Liver King Still On Steroids?

The Return to Steroids

Despite his efforts to go clean, Johnson found the impact of going off steroids too challenging to maintain his desired physique and performance levels.

In September 2023, he announced that he had resumed using certain substances, specifically testosterone and growth hormone.

He framed this decision as part of a managed hormone replacement therapy (HRT) regimen, rather than high-dose steroid use.

Johnson argued that this approach was more sustainable and aligned with his health goals.

He claimed that HRT allowed him to regain some of his former physical capabilities without the adverse effects associated with high-dose steroids.

The Impact on His Physique

Liver King reported significant physical changes during his steroid-free period. He lost over 20 pounds and noted a decline in his strength and muscle mass.

This transformation was evident to his followers, who saw a leaner but less muscular Liver King. [Is Liver King Still On Steroids?]

He struggled with the physical and psychological impacts of losing muscle mass and strength, which were integral to his identity and brand.

His decision to resume HRT was driven by the desire to regain some of his former physical capabilities and return to a more familiar and comfortable state of fitness.

This choice highlighted the difficulties many athletes face when transitioning off performance-enhancing drugs.

Transparency with Followers

Throughout his journey, Johnson has aimed to maintain transparency with his followers. He regularly updates his social media with information about his current regimen and the rationale behind his decisions.

His honesty about returning to hormone therapy, after proving to himself that he could endure a significant period without enhancements, has been a key part of his communication strategy.

By sharing both his successes and struggles, Johnson hopes to foster a more authentic and supportive community.

This transparency is part of his effort to rebuild trust and continue promoting his lifestyle, albeit with a more nuanced understanding of his personal choices and their implications.

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Q: What is Liver King’s current steroid regimen?

A: Liver King is currently using testosterone cream and growth hormone as part of a hormone replacement therapy regimen.

Q: Why did Liver King decide to go back on steroids?

A: Johnson decided to resume using steroids to regain some of the muscle mass and strength he lost during his 220-day steroid-free period.

Q: How did going off steroids affect Liver King’s physique?

A: He lost over 20 pounds and experienced a significant decrease in strength, which was visible in his leaner appearance.

Q: Is Liver King open about his steroid use now?

A: Yes, he has been transparent with his followers about his current use of hormone replacement therapy and the reasons behind it.

Q: What are the main components of Liver King’s diet?

A: Liver King’s diet primarily consists of raw organ meats, which he promotes as part of his “ancestral” lifestyle.

Conclusion: Is Liver King Still On Steroids?

Liver King’s journey with steroid use has been a rollercoaster of admissions, attempts to go clean, and eventual return to a managed regimen.

His transparency about his struggles and decisions provides a nuanced view of the challenges faced by fitness influencers in maintaining their physiques.

Whether you support his choices or not, his story highlights the complexities of performance enhancement in the world of fitness and social media.

Disclosure: The information on this site is for educational purposes only and not a substitute for professional medical advice. We do not endorse the use of steroids or any other performance-enhancing drugs. Use this information at your own risk.